Tuesday, January 10, 2012

History's Teachers

In this interesting article from The Atlantic, hangover cures from 12 famous figures in the world of literature and entertainment were pulled together. Just about all of them involve drinking more alcohol (my kind of people), and most of them aren't for the faint of heart (or stomach, as it would seem). My favorite—not to mention that of Frank Sinatra—is Robert Mitchum's go-to:

Tough guy and terrifying screen baddie Robert Mitchum could certainly hold his liquor. He made friends with hard-drinking crooner Frank Sinatra, who was indebted to the Night of the Hunter actor for a trusted alcohol antidote, dubbed by Mitchum as Mother’s Milk. The Ramos Gin Fizz is a mix of gin, lemon juice, lime juice, egg white, sugar, cream, orange flower water, and soda water. It seemed to work for Sinatra, who took to calling Mitchum “mother” for years to come and supposedly even mailed him a card every Mother’s Day in thanks.
That being said, Ernest Hemingway's "Death in the Gulf Stream" sounds pretty magnificent itself. Check them all out.

12 Hangover Cures From Famous Drinkers

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